Intangible Property Norms (Articles)
- A Positive Case for Ownership of Intangibles
- "Informational Property: Logoright" by J. Neil Schulman & (audio - MP3)
Summary: The pursuit of balanced norms for intangibles promotes libertarian values, protects from harmful activity, and incentivizes future wealth production. Failure to pursue balanced intangible norms is likely to undermine the long-term relevance and influence of libertarian ethical, legal, and property theory.
State and Stateless IP
- IP Without the State
- IP as a Monopoly
- History and Abuse
- Government Defined IP & Reactionary Anarchists
- Intellectual Property Tyranny
- Draconian Measures
- Piracy, Competition, and Free Markets
Summary: Government IP arguments are strawman in the context of Stateless Intangible Property.
- Piracy vs. Theft
- "Property Must be Physical" Fallacy
- Scarcity and Conflict
- Are Intangibles Scarce?
- Marginal Theft Fallacy
Summary: "Only scarce goods may be property" is a Red Herring, and primarily based on Argumentation Ethics.
Responses to Abolish IP
- Labor IP Strawman
- Coaching from Sidelines (Alternative Business Models)
- Contingent Property
- Property and Control
- Form vs Matter
- The Myth of Non-Existence
- Fallacies List
Non-Categorized Content
- Partial Property Ownership
- Unintended Consequences of Abolishing I.P.
- Is Intellectual Property Aggression?
- What is Intangible Property?
Landscape of the Debate
IP Thinkers & Writers
- Neil Schulman - Logorights, Author, Filmmaker
- Strangering Anti-Fallacy & Anti Intellectual-Communism
- John deLaubenfels - Software Developer
- Alexander Baker - Intellectual Space, Natural Rights
- Gene Quinn - Patent Attorney, Unapologetic pro-IP
- Dale B. Halling - Patent Attorney
- Property Theory @ JC Anarchy Theory
- Terms & Abbreviations
- Articles - (external links)